Mr. T. J. Dewan

Wednesday, January 22, 1919

Mr. Thomas Joseph Dewan, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dewan, of Osgoode, died on Tuesday. Jan. 21, at Iroquois Falls, following a brief Illness of influenza. Deceased had been away from home only a couple of weeks, having gone north the first week in January, accompanied by his brother, Bernard, and uncle, Mr. Joseph Blanchfield. Mr. Dewan was only 17 years of age, and leaves to mourn his loss, his parents, three brothers. Edmund, Bernard, and William, and five sisters, Miss Teresa, Mrs. P. and Mrs. T. McEvoy, Mrs. A. Kelly, and Miss Lettie. Accompanied by Mr. Blanchfield the remains are expected to reach the city tomorrow morning, and will be conveyed on the morning Prescott train to deceased’s home in Osgoode. The funeral will probably take place on Friday morning to St. John's Church, Osgoode.

The Ottawa Journal Jan 22nd 1919
The Ottawa Journal