A marriage of interest

Thursday, September 14, 1911

A marriage of interest to many Ottawans was solemnized in St. John's Church, Osgoode, on Tuesday, Sept. 5, when Miss Elisabeth A., third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dewan was wedded to Mr. Thomas J., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip MeEvoy.

Rev. Father McCauley performed the ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mass.

The bride, charmingly attired in a gown of steel grey and wearing the gift of the bridegroom, a locket set with a diamond, was attended by her cousin. Miss Kate M. Whelan, Ottawa, while Mr. Arthur Kelly, Bray’s Crossing, supported the groom.

After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride’s parents, where a reception was held, at which only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present.

In the evening over 175 invited guests assembled at the bride's home, and a pleasant time was spent is dancing, games and various other amusements.

Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Hollister, Cal., Howard Seisemeyer, Chicago, Miss Anna Gilligan, Watertown, N.Y., and many from Ottawa.

The Ottawa Journal