The Ottawa Journal

Francis Kelly Dies in his 62nd Year

Wednesday, January 14, 1942
The Ottawa Journal Jan 14th 1942

The death of Francis Kelly occurred Tuesday at his residence on the River road, Osgoode. He was in his 62nd year and died after a short illness.

Born in Osgoode, he was a son of the late Patrick Kelly and his wife, the former Katherine McEvoy. He had farmed In Osgoode all his life. He attended St. Brigid’s Church, River road.

In addition to his widow, the former Ellen Bolger, he is servived by four sons, Raymond, Elmer, Bernard and Reginald, all of Osgoode. An only daughter, Sister Mary Doris, predeceased him in 1939.

The funeral will be held from his residence to St. Brigid's Church at a time and date to be announced later.


Thomas Herbert, of Osgoode, Dies

Saturday, December 27, 1941
The Ottawa Journal December 27th 1941

Thomas Herbert, of Osgoode, former well-known Ottawa business man, died at a local hospital on Friday, after a lorg illness. He was 83.

For 15 years, prior to 1918, Mr. Herbert conducted a retail grocery store and butcher shop on the corner of Lisgar and Bank streets He retired in 1918 and went to live at Osgoode.

Born at Osgoode, he was a son of the late Michael Herbert and Ellen Nash. He was married to the former Anna Doyle who predeceased him. During his residence at Osgoode he was a member of St. John's Church, and belonged to the League of the Sacred Heart and the Holy Name Society.

Surviving are three sons, Joseph T. Herbert, overseas; M. Raymond Herbert, Ottawa, and William P Herbert, Osgoode; two daughters, Mrs. Marr Morris, Bombay, India, and Miss Genevieve Herbert, registered nurse, New York; four brothers, Simon Herbert and Richard Herbert, of Ottawa, John and Michael Herbert, of Osgoode, and five grandchildren.

The funeral will be held from the parlors of McEvoy Brothers, 235 Kent street at Nepean, on Sunday at 1.15 p.m. (S.T.), for a libra service at St. John's Church, Osgoode, at two o'clock. Interment will be at the pariah cemetery.


Mrs. Bridget Shields Widely Mourned

Monday, December 8, 1941
The Ottawa Journal December 8th 1941

The funeral service for Mrs. Bridget Shields, who died at her residence at Osgoode on Wednesday, was held in St. John's Church, Osgoode, on Saturday morning. Solemn requiem high mass was chanted by her grandson, Father Gerald Kelly, O.M.I., and the body was met at the door by Father Wilfred Nevins, parish priest.
Present in the sanctuary were Father F. Corkery and Father F. Tierney, and choral selections were presented under direction of Father Martin Mooney. Spiritual offerings were from the Catholic Women’s League, Separate School No. 4, and Rideau Room of Murphy-Gamble. Interment was at the adjoining cemetery.

Chief mourners were her sons, Patrick and Thomas, of Osgoode, and Stephen, Ottawa; three daughters. Mrs. P. J. McGahey, Osgoode, and Ida and Bertha, New York City; a sister, Mrs. Alice O'Brien, Osgoode, several grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

Mrs. Shields, a life-long resident of Osgoode, was a daughter of the late Patrick Dewan and Mary McGee. She was married more than 60 years ago in Osgoode to Thomas Shields who predeceased her. She attended St. John’s Church, was a member of the League of the Sacred Heart, the Tabernacle Society, and the Catholic Women’s League.


James O’Leary Dies at Osgoode Station

Saturday, December 6, 1941
The Ottawa Journal December 6th 1941

Ill a week, James O’Leary, 82-year-old retired farmer of Osgoode Station, died Thursday at his home. Son of Patrick O’Leary and Mary Dunn, both of Ireland, he was born at Huntley, Ontario, where he received his education.

He was a member of St. Brigid’s Church, River road, and of the League of the Sacred Heart. Two sisters, Miss Mary, at home, and Mrs. John Shields, of Kemptville, survive.

McEvoy Brothers, 235 Kent street, are in charge of arrangements for the funeral to be held at 2 p.m., Standard Time, Sunday, at St. Brigid’s Church, River road, with Rev. W. Nevins officiating. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.


Bertha Leahy Dies After Long Illness

Monday, August 18, 1941
The Ottawa Journal August 18th 1941

The death occurred on Sunday at a local hospital of Bertha Leahy. She had been in allying health for several years.
Born in Osgoode, Ont. of the late Timothy Leahy and his wife Mary Downes, she resided there for the greater part of her life, and was well-known in the district For the past 10 years she has made her home with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Malone, of 71 Sparks street.

She was an attendant of St. Theresa’s Church and a member of the League of the Sacred Heart. Timothy Leahy, a brother, of Metcalfe, predeceased her by three months.

Surviving besides her sister, are several nephews and nieces among whom are Rev. Bert Leahy, of Port Arthur, and Rev. Christopher J. Leahy, of Detroit Michigan.

The funeral will be held from the Whelan Funeral Home, 515 Cooper street on Wednesday for requiem high mass at St. Theresa’s Church at eight o’clock. Interment will be at St. John’s cemetery, Osgoode.


Osgoode Lawn Social

Monday, August 11, 1941
The Ottawa Journal August 11th 1941

The annual lawn social sponsored by St. John's Church, Osgoode, was held Saturday evening on the church grounds. Dinner served in the parish hall and various games attracted a large attendance.
A local orchestra provided the music. Prizes were won by Mrs. K. Bennett, of Hamilton; C. M. Driscoll, Ottawa; Henry Nolan, Osgoode; Ellwood Cahill, Manotick, and Ralph Quinn, Bowesviile. Mrs. Joseph Turner, Osgoode and Miss M. Latremouille, St. Onge, won two quilts donated by members of the Catholic Women’s League of the parish.

The Ottawa Journal

Mrs. Patrick Watters Dies at Fallowfield

Thursday, October 24, 1940
The Ottawa Journal October 24th 1940

Following a lengthy illness, Ellen Mary Watters died at her home in Fallowfield Wednesday, in her 65th year. A daughter, Miss Viola Watters, resides in Ottawa.

Born in Goulburn Township in 1876 she was a daughter of the late James Larkin and his wife, the former Ellen Bergin. She was educated in Goulburn schools and in 1905 was married in Richmond, Ont., to Patrick Watters who survives.

An adherent of the Roman Catholic Church she attended St. Patrick's Church, Fallowfield, and was a member of the League of the Sacred Heart and the Catholic Women's League.

Besides her husband she is survived by one son, James, of Wellington, Ont.; five daughters, Mrs. E. Ryder, of New York; Mrs. A. Herbert, Osgoode; Mrs. S. Herbert, Osgoode; Miss Viola Watters, Ottawa, and Miss Lillian Watters, at home. Two brothers, Thomas Larkin, of Goulburn, and Leo Larkin, of Pakenham, also survive.

The remains are resting at the McEvoy Brothers Funeral Home, 235 Kent street, from where the funeral will be held at 8.15 a.m. (E.S.T.) on Friday morning to St. John's Church, Osgoode, for requiem high mass at 9 o'clock (E.S.T.). Rev. W. T. McCauley will officiate and interment will take place in the parish cemetery.


James O’Connor

Monday, September 23, 1940
The Ottawa Journal September 23rd 1940

Many relatives and friends and sisters of Immaculata High School attended the funeral of James O’Connor which was held Saturday afternoon from his residence, 181 Arthur street, to St. John’s Church, Osgoode. Rev. Wilfred Nevins, parish priest, conducted the libera service. Interment was in the family plot in the parish cemetery. There will be a service of solemn requiem high mass at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Monday at 9 o'clock.

Chief mourners and survivors were five sisters, the Misses Elizabeth and Theresa O'Connor, of Ottawa; Rev. Mother St. Patrick, Chicago, Ill.; Rev. Sister Mary Danial, in China; Mrs. J. M. Benoit, of Madatawa; one brother, Daniel O’Connor, of Markstay, Ont., and several nephews and nieces.

Many spiritual offerings and messages of sympathy were received from friends of the family.


Miss C. Blanchfield

Tuesday, June 18, 1940
The Ottawa Journal July 18th 1940

Many relatives and friends attended the funeral of Miss Catherine Blanchfield which was held Thursday morning from the parlors of McEvoy Brothers, 239 Kent street, to St. John’s Church, Osgoode, for requiem high mass. Rev. Frank Tierney chanted mass and Rev. Leo Blanchfield, a cousin of Catherine Blanchfield, officiated at the cemetery.    ‘

Chief mourners were a nephew, Dr. S. McEvoy, of Ottawa, and three nieces, Mrs. Eugene Pelletier, Mrs. L. Pelletier, and Miss May McEvoy, also of Ottawa.

Floral and spiritual offerings were received from Miss Blanchfield’s many friends.
Interment was in the family plot at Osgoode.


Mrs. James Plunkett Dies at Osgoode

Sunday, June 9, 1940
The Ottawa Journal July 9th 1940

The death of Mrs. James Plunkett, 74, occurred on Sunday, July 7, at her residence in Osgoode, Ont. She was the former Annie O’Callaghan.

Born in North Gower, she married James Plunkett whereupon she took up residence in Osgoode, Ont. She was a member of the League of the Sacred Heart.

Surviving are her husband, her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Martin, of Detroit; her son, Earl Plunkett, of Detroit; her brother, James O'Callaghan, of Flint, Michigan, and four grandchildren.

The funeral will be held from her residence in Osgoode on July 10, at 9.45 a.m., with requiem high mass at St. John’s Church, at 10 a.m. Interment will be in St. Brigid's cemetery, River Road.
