The Ottawa Journal

Thomas Patrick Daley

Sunday, May 30, 1948

DALEY, Thomas Patrick -- On Sunday, May 30, 1948, at his home, Osgoode, Ont., Thomas P. Daley, husband of the late Mary Ida Leahy, aged 69 years. Funeral from home, Wednesday, to St. John's Church, Osgoode, for requiem mass, 10 o'clock. Interment parish cemetery.


Rev. Father P. Harris Mayo Parish Priest

Monday, July 25, 1921
Father Carleton, of Martindale, Going to Edmonton.

These changes are in addition to several that were announced at the Archbishop's Palace some time ago. The first list of changes included the removal of Rev. Father Gerald Gorman, curate of St. Patrick's Parish, to be acting parish priest of Osgoode, succeeding Rev. Father Frank Corkery, who will take up special studies in Rome. Father Gorman assumed his charge Sunday. In the course of his sermans he asked for the same co-operation from his parishioners that they had given Father Corkery. He was accorded a warm welcome.

The Ottawa Journal

Mr. Maurice Leahy

Wednesday, April 27, 1921

The funeral took place Friday morning to St. Mary's Church, South Gloucester, of Mr. Maurice Leahy, who died Wednesday in an Ottawa hospital. The service was largely attended, and a requiem mass was chanted by Rev. Father Corkery assisted by the Rev. Father Gorman, deacon, and Rev. Leahy, sub-deacon. The pall-bearers were Michael, Thomas and James Daley, Jr., John O'Brien, J. R. Blanchfield and Sylvester McEvoy.

Mr. Leahey had been ailling for some time and died, after the effects of a serious operation, in the presence of his family. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Thomas P. Daley, of Osgoode, and four sons, Howard, Joseph and Raymond at home, and Bert of St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Guelph. He is survived also by three sisters, Mrs. Margaret McGee, Nora and Bridget Leahy, all of Gloucester, and a brother, Timothy Leahy, of Metcalfe.


Mrs. Patrick Kehoe

Wednesday, July 20, 1921

Nearly 200 carriages carrying mourners, attended the funeral of Mrs. Patrick Kehoe, of Osgoode to South Gloucester cemetery recently. So popular had Mrs. Kehoe been that a continual procession of mourners visited the family residence at Osgoode bearing floral and speritual tributes. The funeral service was very impressive. Rev. Father Prudhomme assisted by Rev. Father Corkery of Osgoode, conducted the requiem high mass. The musical service was played by Mr. Lemieux, of Ottawa and Rev. Father Connelly. The pall bearers were Messrs, Patrick Dunlop, John Cahill, John Jenning, Joseph O'Brien and Paul Shanan. Mrs. Kehoe died in a local hospital following a serious operation. She was a prominent member of the Roman Catholic Church in Osgoode and had cultivated a large circle of friends. She lived all her life in Osgoode. Besides her husband Mrs. Kehoe is survived by one daughter, Annie, and two sons, Thomas and Patrick, all living at home; three sisters, Mrs. Patrick Cahill, South Gloucester, Mrs. J. Mectravick, Ottawa, Sister Mary Cecila, Vancover, two brothers, Michael of Osgoode and Patrick, of Winnipeg; and one grand daughter, Joan.


Miss Mabel Grant

Monday, February 21, 1921

Miss Mabel Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant, of Osgoode, died at the home of her parents. Deceased was 22 years of age and is survived by her parents, five sisters, Rev. Sr. Flora and Rev. Sr. Marion of Peterboro, Ont., Irene, Gertrude and Ethel at home, and one brother, Antony. The funeral service, which was held on Saturday, in St. John's Church, Osgoode, was conducted by the Rev. Father Corkery, P.P., assisted by the Rev. Father Gorman, P.P. of Metcalfe, Ont., and the Rev. Father Prudhomme, P.P. of South Gloucester. Interment was made in St. John's Cemetery.


Mrs. Jos. Blanchfield

Wednesday, April 24, 1912

Death is sad enough when it separates two who have shared together life's joys and sorrows from youth to old age, but their ambitions have been filled and their separation at most but for a few short years. How bitter though the parting when a husband bids adieu to the young girl he claimed as his happy bride but a brief three months before. Such a trial has fallen the lot of Mr Joseph Blanchfield, of West Osgoode, whose wife died in the Water Street Hospital, Ottawa, on Thursday morning, April 18.

Deceased was 21 years of age and was married to Mr. Blanchfield in St. John's Church, West Osgoode on January 17, 1912. About five weeks ago she was taken ill with typhoid fever. She leaves also grief-stricken parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brennan, West Osgoode ; two sisters, Mrs. D. O'Connor, Manotick ; Annie, of Ottawa, and seven brothers, John, Ottawa ; William, Manotick ; Philip and Harry, at home ; Benjamin, Indian Head, Sask. ; Peter, in Vancouver, and Joseph, at Porcupine.

The funeral took place on Saturday morning, April 20, from the residence of deceased's brother-in-law, Mr. M. F. Gleeson, 36 Cameron street, Ottawa South, to St. John's Church, Osgoode, where a high requiem mas was chanted. The attendance was very large, in the cortege being many citizens of Ottawa and representatives from all parts of the Township of Osgoode, who joined the procession along the route.

The pall-bearers were Messrs, Leo. Eddie, Leo. L. Michael and Thomas McEvoy and Edmund Dewan.

Amoung the speritual offerings were contributions from Mr. and Mrs. Brisbois, Mrs. Quinn, Miss M. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCartin, Mrs. W. Brisbois, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brennan, Misses Minnie Annie, Katie and Florence McEvoy, Mde. Janveau, Mrs. Thos. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cardo, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Fleeson, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dewan, Messrs. R. Herbert, Michael McEvoy, E. Dewan, J. C. Marshall, Miss J. Brisbois, Miss Josie Ryan, Miss Lalonde, Miss T. C. Dewan, Miss Annie Brophy, Miss S. Marshall.


Miss Annie Reardon

Monday, December 7, 1896

Dec. 5. -- The Village is in mourning over the demise of Miss Annie Reardon a well known and highly esteemed young lady who passed away on Nov. 30th at the early age of 28 years. Deceased had been in poor health for some time and her death was not unexpected. Interment took place in the R.C. cemetery, Osgoode, and was largely attended.


Bray's Crossing. Death of Mr. P. McGuire

Thursday, February 28, 1895

The death of the late Mr. P. McGuire Sr., has cast a gloom over the homes of those who were dear to him. The remains were interred in the Roman Catholic Riverside cemetery followed by a long train of friends and mourners. The Rev. Father Constantineau officiated.


Ellen O'Connor

Tuesday, February 18, 1890

On Thursday, Ellen O'Connor, sister of Mr. Mathew O'Connor, died after a short illness, aged 42 years. Deceased was an unmarried lady, adevout Catholic, but unfortunately deaf and dumb. She enjoyed the esteem of all who knew her, from her exemplary life and amiable disposition. The interment took place at the church yard of St. Bridget's Osgoode, on Saturday.


Enjoyable Picnic Held At Osgoode

Saturday, June 22, 1929
The Ottawa Journal 22 Jul 1929
The Ottawa Journal 22 Jul 1929 part 2
The Ottawa Journal 22 Jul 1929 part 3
Large Attendance Features Annual Event of St. John’s R.C. Parish

Despite counter - attractions in other parts of Ottawa district, there was a large attendance on Saturday afternoon and evening at the annual picnic of St. John’s Roman Catholic church, Osgoode, Ont., and everyone present had an enjoyable time.

The picnic was held at McEvoy’s Grove, near Osgoode, and a large representation from the city motored to join parishioners from all over the district. Rev. Father A. J. Gorman, P.P., who was in charge, greeted the visitors and many former members of St. John’s congregation were in the gathering.

During the afternoon booths did a roaring business and the ice-cream and soft drink stands were well patronized, as the day was sunny and very warm. Meals were served on the grounds by the ladies of the parish. Several parish priests from neighbouring churches joined the picnic crowd.

There was a softball game, horse-shoe pitching contest, and other sporting events to occupy the time, and some keen competitions were witnessed. Osgoode defeated Kenmore in a keenly-contested softball tussle, by 10 to 4.

Some of the best known track and field athletes of the district participated in the jumps and races held in connection with the picnic. Austin Houlihan again proved his metal at the jumps and vaults.
The line-up of the softball teams for the day’s game follows: Osgoode—C. Saunders, c.; J. C. Murphy, p.; A. Boyd, 1b.; E. Saunders, 2b.; William Boyd, s.s.; L. Taylor, r.f.; D. Wallace, c.f.; and A. Scobie, l.f. Kenmore-J. Good, c.; W. Woodside, s.; E. Kiscaid, 1b.; R. Little, 2b.; V. Loney, s.s.; D. Dewar, 3b.; L. Lemoine, r.f.; R. McNabb, c.f.; D. Wiehert, l.f. Umpires were R. Lemoine and R. Myers.
The general picnic committee, headed by Father Gorman, was composed of the church wardens, Phil McEvoy, Orphir Lemieux and Mike Daley. The sports committee of the afternoon was composed of J. J. O’Callaghan, Augustin McEvoy, J. G. Bloom and F. W. Rowse.
Results of the various track events follow:
Boys under 12 years—1. Joseph Rowan. (prize donated by E. Rolston. Metcalfe); 2. Alonso Grant, (prize by T. A. Hicks, Metcalfe); 3. George Mandis.
Boys over 12 years—1. Rody Ryan, (prize by O. C. Simpson, Metcalfe); 3. Walter Cleland, (prize by John Massy, Manotick); 3. Alonzo Grant.
Three-legged race—1. Kenneth McEvoy and Walter Cleland; 2. Alonzo Grant and Roddy Ryan; 3. Charles Daly and Clinton McEvoy.
Men’s high jump (open)—1. A. Houlihan, (prize by James Dewan), 5 feet, 5 inches; 2. L. Hammill, (prize by James Dewan); 3. E. Hammill.
Broad jump (open)—1. A. Scobie, (prize by Rev. A. J. Gorman), 18 feet; 2. E. Hammill, (prize by James Dewan), 3. L. Hammill.
Pole vault open)—1. A. Houlihan and E. Hammill, tied at 10 feet, 3 inches, (prize by Andrew Doyle Sr.,) 2. A. Scobie, (prize by James Dewan); 3. L. Hammill.
100 yard dash, (open)—1. E. Hammill, (prize by Andrew Doyle Sr.,); 2. A. Scobie, )prize by James Dewan); 3. L. Hammill.
Horseshoe-pitching—1. Mike Murphy and Eddie Chartrand, 50 points; 2. Earl Murphy and Lorne Taylor, 48 points; (prize by Douglas Wallace, Osgoode, and A. P. Wilson, Osgoode).

The Ottawa Journal