The Ottawa Journal

Burns Result in Death Of Miss Ellen Daley

Saturday, October 8, 1932

As a result of burns suffered five weeks ago when a can of inflammable liquid exploded while she was using it to clean paint brushes. Miss Ellen Daley, well known resident of Osgoode, Ont., died in a local hospital last night at the age of 71 years.

Miss Daley had been admitted to the hospital shortly after the accident, but it was realized that she could not recover, and her death last night was not entirely unexpected.

She was born at Osgoode, daughter of the late John Daley, and had lived on the farm practically all har life, with the exception of a few years in Ottawa. She was well known in the community and was a devout member of St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Osgoode.

Miss Daley is survived by a brother, Peter Deley, Osgoode, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Galvin, Chicago, Ill.

Remains are at the funeral home of McEvoy Bros., 471 MacLaren street, but will be taken to her home on Sunday afternoon. The funeral will he held from her residence at 9.30 o'clock Monday morning to St. John's church for requiem high mass at 10 o'clock. Interment will be made in the pariah cemetery.



Saturday, April 4, 1931

Daley - At her home, Osgoode, Ontario, on Friday, April 3, 1931, Mary Ida Lahey, aged 39 years, beloved wife of Thomas Daley. Funeral from the above address on Monday, 6th inst., at 9 a.m. Requiem high mass at St. John's Church. Interment in the Roman Catholic cemetery.


Temperance Hall At Dawson

Saturday, December 23, 1899
The Ottawa Journal 23 Dec 1899
The Ottawa Journal 23 Dec 1899 part 2

The opening of St. John's Temperance Hall at Dawson, Osgoode, will be marked with a concert on the evening of Tuesday, January 16th. The entertainment promises to be one of first class nature. An excellent programme has been gotten up by Rev. Father W. T. McCauley, parish priest of Dawson, formerly assistant parish priest at St. Patrick's church, Ottawa. Among the list of entertainers are the Gorman brothers, Pete and Jerry of Ottawa, Irish comedians and champion stepdancers. The entertainment will be carried out under the direction of the Gorman brothers. The drawing for tickets in the tombola in connection with the concert will be held at the hall on Wednesday, December 27th, at 1 p.m.

The temperance hall which was recently erected, was built through the efforts of Father McCauly and the generosity of the people of the neighborhood. It is quite a large building.

The Ottawa Journal

Mrs. Philip McEvoy Dies At Her Home in Osgoode

Wednesday, October 17, 1934

One of the best-known members of a family long resident in the district died yesterday in the person of Mrs. Philip McEvoy, of Osgoode, Ont., at the age of 78 years. Death followed a brief illness, and occurred at the home of a son-in-law, John H. McEwen, Osgoode.

Mrs. McEvoy was formerly Miss Mary L. Daley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daley, and was born at Osgoode. She had lived in that district all her life, and was loved by all who knew her. She was a devout member of St. John's Roman Catholic Church, and her death will be mourned all through the parish.

Mrs. McEvoy's husband predeced her by three months. She is survived by four sons. Thomas, Augustine and Raymond, of Osgoode, and James of Detroit, Mich.; two daughters, Mrs. J. H. McEwen, Osgoode, and Mrs. John Meagher, South Gloucester, as well as a number of grandchildren. Also surviving are, two brothers, Michael and James Daley, both of Osgoode; and three sisters, Mrs. John Kelly, Manotick, Mrs. Thomas Grant and Mrs. Hugh Cleland, both of Osgoode.

The funeral will be held at 9:30 a.m. Thursday from the residence of her son-in-law, for requiem high mass at St. John's Church at ten o'clock. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.



Saturday, September 17, 1966
The Ottawa Journal September 17th 1966

Francis McEvoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McEvoy, will be ordained to the priesthood which will be conferred by the Most Rev. M. Joseph Lemieux on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 8 p.m. in St. John's Church, Osgoode.

The Ottawa Journal

Richard Tobin

Wednesday, December 20, 1933
The Ottawa Journal December 20th 1933

An illness of two years ended in the death on Tuesday at St. Patrick a Home, of Richard Tobin, well-known farmer of Metcalfe, Ont., at the age of 62 years.

Mr. Tobin was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin, and was born at Metcalfe, where he had spent practically his whole life, devoting himself to farming. He was a devout member of St. John's Church, Osgoode, and had a host of friends all over the district Mr. Tobin had come to Ottawa to enter the home when he became ill about two years ago. His death will be widely mourned here and in the surrounding country-side.

Surviving him are three brothers, Patrick Tobin, Ottawa; Martin Tobin, Renfrew, Ont., and William Tobin, Detroit, Mich., and five sisters, Mrs A. Tessier, Metcalfe, Ont.; Mrs. T. McGahey, Kemptville, Ont.; Miss Winnifred Tobin, Ottawa, and the Misses Nellie and Matilda Tobin, both of Montreal.

Requiem high mass will be celebated in the chapel of St Patrick's Home at 7 o'clock on Thursday morning and remains will be placed in the vault at Notre Dame cemetery. Interment will be made in May at Osgoode. Ont.


James Plunkett

Tuesday, April 23, 1946
The Ottawa Journal April 23rd 1946

PLUNKETT — Easter Sunday, April 21, 1946, in hospital, James Plunkett, age 85 years, husband of the late Annie O'Callaghan of Osgoode and dear father of Carl Plunkett and Mrs. B. O'Brien Martin of Detroit, Mich. Resting at the parlors of McEvoy Brothers, 238 Kent St. (cor. Nepean). Funeral Tuesday, 23rd instant at 8 a.m. to St. Brigid's church, River Road, for requiem mass at 10 o'clock. Burial at the parish cemetery.


Mrs. Michael Herbert

Wednesday, February 15, 1905
The Ottawa Journal February 15th 1905

The death occurred yesterday afternoon of Mrs. Herbert, wife of the late Mr. Michael Herbert, of Herbert’s Corners, Osgoode, at the age of 97 years. Mrs. Herbert had been ill for several months. She was born at Osgoode, and had lived there all her life. A family of seven sons, P. D., Richard, Simon, James and Thomas, of Ottawa; Michael and John of Osgoode; and one daughter, Miss Bridget, at home, survive.

The funeral will take place from the family residence at 9.90 o'clock on Thursday morning to St. John church cemetery.


John R. Blanchfield of Osgoode Dies

Saturday, March 4, 1950
The Ottawa Journal March 4th 1950

A prominent Osgoode district farmer, John R. Blanchfield, died at his home at Osgoode Station on Friday after a long illness. He was in his 83rd year.

He was born in Osgoode, a son of the late Patrick Blanchfield and his wife, the late Catherine Herbert. He married Edith Mary Owens in Osgoode in 1904.

Mr. Blanchfield was well known throughout the district as a farmer and threshing and sawing contractor. He retired two years ago.

He was a member of St. John's Roman Catholic Parish, Osgoode Surviving are his widow; four sons, Leonard and Howard, of Ottawa; Gerald and Ernest, of Osgoode, two daughters, Mrs. Mary Gillissie and Mrs. Gerald Martin, of Ottawa; nine grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Catherine Kelly, of Ottawa, and a brother, Joseph Blanchfield, of Detroit. The funeral will be held Monday from McEvoy's to St. John’s Church, Osgoode, for requiem mass at 10 a.m. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.


James Andrew Malone

Wednesday, November 14, 1945
The Ottawa Journal November 14th 1945

After a lengthy illness the death occurred Tuesday afternoon in hospital of James Andrew Malone, husband of the former Hanorah Leahy. He was in his 74th year.

Born at Eganville, son of the late Jafhes Malone and his wife Maria Maher, he came to Ottawa 40 years ago. Mr. Malone was married at South Gloucester in 1922.

For 15 years, building superintendent of the Robertson Building on Sparks street, he retired three years ago owing to ill health. Mr. Malone was a parishioner of Assumption Church, Eastview.

Surviving, besides his wife are, one sister, Mrs. Patrick Sheridan, Killaloe; also a number of nephews and nieces.

The body is at the Whelan Funeral Home, where the funeral will be held on Thursday, at 9 a.m., to St. John’s Church Osgoode, for requiem mass at 10 o'clock. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.
